Awards & Recognition
Bonjour is committed to providing consumers with delicious products of the highest level of quality.
Since its establishment in 1998, the Bonjour brand has gained popularity among consumers particularly for its speciality bread range such as the Bonjour Pandan Bread, Bonjour Butterscotch Loaf and Bonjour Choc Chip Loaf.
In 2017, it achieved the Influential Brands – Top Influential Brand status in the Bread Category. This Award identifies and recognises brands through consumer and market research based on criteria such as branding qualities, consumers’ influence and consumers’ trust.

Trans Fat Free
Higher in Wholegrains
To meet consumer demand for healthier food choices, Bonjour has also created several wholemeal & multi-grain breads certified with the Singapore Health Promotion Board’s Healthier Choice Logo. Consume more whole-grains in your daily diet with Bonjour wholemeal loaves.